April 28, 2024 UFO Sightings Prairies is now the owner of Alberta UFO Study Group. If you go to the site, you are directed here.
April 25, 2024 The Discloser Archives of Dr. Greer is now available on line. The web address is in the Resources tab. The archives contain literally hundreds of documents on UFOs, cover ups, alien contact and much more.
WELCOME! Please have a look around. Let us know what you think. Please contribute! Thank you!
May 26, 2024 Website updated includes more learning content, and the study data is from January 01, 1990 to December 31, 2023.
We are located in Camrose, Province of Alberta, Canada.
Our purpose:
To educate, provide resources, share sightings/encounters and information on ETIs and UFOs.
To study reported UFO sightings in the Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in Canada from January 01,1990 to December 31, 2024.
Thank you!
Site Contents:
Information Page: Contains UFO, ETI information, opinions and submissions.
Study Page: Statistics collection, other variables.
Data Page: Spreadsheet data collected, year, date, time, locations, observations.
Resource Page: Lists other websites of interest with links.
Experience Page: User sightings experiences.
Gallery Page: Photographs of UFO sightings that are in the study.
February 16, 2025 2024 Data - Data is posted. One site has not posted 2024 data as yet.
The media report hundreds of UFOs sighted in the Provinces?
The media reports hundreds of UFO sightings in Canada each year.
The question is, where did the media get this information?
When conducting this study, an exhaustive search of the web was done.
What was found were very few websites that contained Canadian information.
The data collected was from the websites CUFOR, MUFON, NUFOR and many defunct/no longer maintained websites.
There are probably an unlimited number of websites for information. It is impossible to cover them all. Information was determined by the relativity/ deemed factual/trusted source for the data.
You will find a number of websites in the Resources Page where data was collected.