Summary Media reports hundreds of UFO sightings in Canada each year. The question is, where did the media get this information? When conducting this study, an exhaustive search of the web was done. The sighting numbers were found in the main websites CUFOR, MUFON, NUFOR and many defunct websites. The search did not find other websites that provided sightings reporting. There are almost an infinite number of sources for information on the web. It is impossible to cover them all. Information, was determined on the relativity of articles and deemed factual. Collection of data came from . The sites in the Resources page are currently what is used to gather data.
You may go to the websites shown before to obtain a detailed description of sightings. The websites are on the Resources page. This study specifically documents the number of sightings for the Canadian Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
Data was collected from January 01, 1990, to December 31, 2024, as reported from the following sources:
CUFOS (Canadian UFO Survey) MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) NUFORC (National UFO Reporting Centre) Multiple sites that contained data but no longer exist and are defunct. Data excluded from the study:
fireballs, no information provided, identified as non-UFO, crop circles, no date, time, info given, You Tube (sightings cannot be verified, could be faked, or shared/viewed multiple of times by many individuals), Facebook sightings cannot be verified, could be faked, or shared/viewed multiple of times by many individuals), Starlink observations (hundreds have reported multiple UFOs). Record viewing:
Excel spread sheet in Data. Click on the link to download a pdf copy of the data.
Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Time (24 hour clock)
Record Searches:
Records can be sorted by Date, Time, Location, Province, Source, Observed, Combination of the categories. .