UFO Sightings Prairies
We are not alone
They are here
April 28, 2024
UFO Sightings Prairies is now the owner of Alberta UFO Study Group. If you go to the site, you are directed here.
April 25, 2024
The Discloser Archives of Dr. Greer is now available on line. The web address is in the Resources tab. The archives contain literally hundreds of documents on UFOs, cover ups, alien contact and much more.
May 26, 2024
Website updated includes more learning content, and the study data is from January 01, 1990 to December 31, 2023.
We are located in Camrose, Province of Alberta, Canada.

Our purpose is to educate, provide resources, a place to express your opinion, and more information on ETIs and UFOs. It is a place you can share your sightings/encounters.

The study was conducted on UFO sightings reported in the Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in Canada.

There is a blog for discussions on anything UFO or ETI.

The site is updated frequently, please have a look and come back often.

Let us know what you think of the site. Your opinions, comments, and submissions is very important to us.

Future plans include more indepth analysis of UFO data.

The website design is "old school" to reach a wider audience, and network connections.

Information: this page contains information, and opinions.    

Study: this page on how the information was collected, and other
Data: this page records all information collected, year, date, time,
          location, observations.

Resources: this page lists other websites of interest with links.
Experiences - this page is for sighting postings.

Gallery - this page contains photographs of UFO sightings in the
               prairie provinces.

Contact: requests for more information, feedback.

Submissions: to submit UFO sightings.
                       to add/comment on existing articles.
                       to submit articles for publishing.
June 30, 2024
There is now a Blog! Go to the Information Page for how to access the Blog.